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Swimming Pool (Hot/Cold Tub. Steam Room and Sauna. Spa Pool)

開放時間 : AM 06 : 00 - PM 22 : 00
清場時段 : 週一至週日  上午10:00-10:30  下午16:00-16:30【週六、日、國定假日、寒/暑假無下午清場時段】

50米室內溫水游泳池 (8水道,水深110~150cm,水溫常年約28.5度C)




全   票 : 110元/次
學生票 : 80元/次(須出示國內有效學生證)
陪同票 : 80元/次(不使用設施)
兒童票 : 55元/次(8-12歲兒童,須有家長陪同)
敬老票 : 50元/次(65歲以上或55歲以上原住民)
幼兒票 : 30元/次(4~7歲幼童,須有家長陪同)
月   卡 : 1,500元/30天+贈送5天(限本人使用)
優惠劵 : 3,300元/30張+贈送5張貴賓券(不限本人使用)

1.年滿65 歲以上高齡市民、年滿 55 歲以上原住民市民、低收入市民,週一至週日8-10時、14-16時,可免費使用游泳池,逢週六/日及國定假日、寒/暑假期間,下午公益時段暫停實施。
4.持臺北市退休公教證之退休公教人員(除公益時段之外)享半價優惠: 游泳池50元 / 次。



  • 進入泳池須脫鞋(赤腳)
  • ​泳客須著貼身泳衣、泳褲、泳帽、泳鏡入池,不得穿著海灘褲、有鈕扣及拉鍊之衣物進入泳池
  • 游泳池清場時間為 : 週一至週日  上午10:00-10:30  下午16:00-16:30【週六、日、國定假日、寒/暑假無下午清場時段】

  • 購買各項優惠票請出示有效證件作為識別,未出示者以原價收費

  • 十二歲以下兒童禁止進入冷熱水池、蒸氣室、烤箱及SPA池

  • 十二歲以下兒童須由父母或監護人陪同如無法下水陪同,請務必留在兒童池畔,隨時留意兒童安全,善盡照顧義務。如果其行為影響其他泳客安全或權益,經救生員規勸不聽,中心有權請該泳客離場。


Pool Rules
1. 為維護使用者權益,請愛惜本中心設備,並遵守場地相關規則。如違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導,因個人行為影響他人權益或導致傷害時,本中心得立即停止違規者使用場地設施,並不負賠償責任且不予退費。
It is everyone’s responsibility to follow all the rules while using the center’s facilities in respect of the rights of all users. The center is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for any injuries or violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules and coach instructions.
2. 為維持水質及清潔衛生,泳池館內禁穿鞋子或拖鞋。泳客須著貼身泳衣、泳褲、泳帽、泳鏡入池,不得穿著海灘褲、有鈕扣及拉鍊之衣物進入泳池。
To maintain the quality of water and hygiene, please do not wear shoes/slippers. Do wear body tight swimwear, swimming shorts, swim caps, and swim goggles to enter the pool (inappropriate swim wear, including beach trunks, and clothing with buttons and zippers are not allowed ).
3. 入池前請徹底淋浴及卸妝,請勿塗抹防曬油、保養品及化妝品。
Do not apply sunblock and any cosmetics before entering the pool.
4. 禁止配戴玻璃泳鏡(眼鏡)或攜帶玻璃容器、陶瓷器具及其他易碎物品入池。
Do not wear glass goggles(eye glasses) or bring any glass containers, porcelain items and other dangerous fragile items into the pool.
5. 禁止使用游泳輔具及任何妨害他人安全之行為。
Please do not use any floatation devices and threaten safety of others in any way.
6. 嚴禁本中心開設課程以外之所有教學行為。
Personal teaching is not allowed other than the classes provided by the center.
7. 使用者應瞭解自身健康狀況,若有以下情形請勿進入池游泳。
(1) 患有傳染性疾病、癲癇症、意識不清、皮膚病(潰爛、傷口)、多發性硬化症、發燒37℃以上。
(2) 飯後一小時內、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足、藥效未退或其他身體不適情況。
(3) 高血壓、心臟病、糖尿病等風險性疾病。
Users should be aware of own health conditions and are prohibited to use the pool if have any of 
the following conditions: 
(1) Contagious diseases, epilepsy, unconsciousness, skin diseases (skin ulcer, open wounds), multiple sclerosis, fever over 37℃ and any other ill conditions.
(2) Taken meal within 1 hour before, drunken state, sleep deprivation, impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions. 
(3) Unstable blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes and other non-contagious diseases.
8. 持有身心障礙手冊者,建議由一名必要之成年陪同人,全程伴隨進入泳池游泳。陪伴者應具備實際照護或看顧身心障礙族群之能力。
People with disability manuals need to be accompanied by adults for the entire time inside the pool,  and the accompanying adult is legally responsible for all their actions.
9. 六十五歲以上長者,建議需有家屬或同伴陪同,且使用時間切勿過長。
Elderly above 65 years old are recommended to be accompanied by family or company and to avoid using the pool for extended period of time. 
10. 為照護兒童安全,十二歲以下兒童須由父母或監護人陪同。
According to the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, children under 12 years-old must be accompanied by parent(s) or guardian(s) for safety reason.
11. 十二歲以下兒童禁止進入冷熱水池、蒸氣室、烤箱及SPA池。
Children under 12 years old are not allowed to use cold and hot pools, steam and sauna, and SPA facilities.
12. 本中心水道區分為快速水道、長泳水道及練習水道,說明如下:
(1) 快速水道:右去左回,中途及岸邊皆不可停留。
(2) 長泳水道:右去左回,中途不可停留,岸邊休息不得超過30秒。
(3) 練習水道:本中心教學時間之外,供泳客練習。
The pool lanes are categorized into fast swim lane, long swim lane, and practice swim lane. Details are explained as follow:
(1) Fast swim lane: swim forward on the right side and return on the left side, stopping in the middle or at the edge is not allowed. 
(2) Long swim lane: swim forward on the right side and return on the left side, stopping in the middle is not allowed, and resting at the edge cannot exceed 30 seconds.
(3) Practice swim lane:  users can practice swimming other than center class session.
13. 禁止於池內及池邊跳水、奔跑、嬉鬧、潛泳、蹲坐、站立於池邊,或有妨害他人之行為。
Do not dive, run, jump, jostle, play around, or any behavior that would affect others in the pool area.
14. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等行為。
Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
15. 場地內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、飲食(開水、礦泉水除外)、嚼檳榔或口香糖。
Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
16. 禁止攜帶寵物進入場館,導盲犬及輔助工作犬除外。
Pets are not allowed except Guide dogs.
17. 個人物品請置放於開放式或投幣式置物櫃,櫃內物品每日清空。泳池區內禁止以物品佔用座位,私人物品請妥善保管,如有遺失請自行負責。
Please place all personal belongings in the open or coin lockers limited to the day. Do not place any items for holding seats in the pool area; the center is not responsible for any lost items.
18. 使用泳池各項附屬設施應遵守場地專屬安全規定。現場救生員得隨時制止有安全疑慮之行為,且有權強制違規者離開場地,若屢勸不聽,得禁止其購票進入場館。
All the rules should be followed as indicated specifically for each area of the pool.  Lifeguards reserve the right to prohibit users’ action that threaten their safety, and to expel users from the pool area should the users not cooperate. Wouldn’t listen to repeated advice, the center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility
19. 如泳池使用人數較多時,場館將採最適量管制。
When the number of people using the facility is greater than usual, the center will monitor limitation control accordingly.
20. 本須知如有未盡事宜得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。
The Center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule.
Steam Room and Sauna Rules
1. 使用者應瞭解自身健康狀況,若有以下情形請勿進入蒸氣室及烤箱。
(1) 患有傳染性疾病、癲癇症、意識不清、皮膚病(潰爛、傷口)、多發性硬化症、發燒37℃以上。
(2) 飯後一小時內、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足、藥效未退或其他身體不適情況。
(3) 高血壓、心臟病、糖尿病等風險性疾病。
Users should be aware of own health conditions and are prohibited to use the Steam Room and Sauna if have any of the following conditions: 
(1) Contagious diseases, epilepsy, unconsciousness, skin diseases (skin ulcer, open wounds),  multiple sclerosis, fever over 37℃ and any other ill conditions.(2) Taken meal within 1 hour before, drunken state, sleep deprivation, impact of medication or any  other unfit health conditions. 
(3) Unstable blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes and other non-contagious diseases.
2. 持有身心障礙手冊者,建議由一名必要之成年陪同人,全程伴隨進入蒸氣室及烤箱。陪伴者應具備實際照護或看顧身心障礙族群之能力。
People with disability manuals need to be accompanied by adults for the entire time inside the Steam Room and Sauna, and the accompanying adult is legally responsible for all their actions.
3. 六十五歲以上長者,建議需有家屬或同伴陪同,且使用時間切勿過長。
Elderly above 65 years old are recommended to be accompanied by family or company and to avoid using the pool for extended period of time. 
4. 十二歲以下兒童禁止使用蒸氣室及烤箱。
Children under 12 years old are not allowed to use the steam room and sauna.
5. 使用前後請酌量飲水。
Please replenish hydration before and after use.
6. 空腹及飽食後請勿使用,運動後請休息十五分鐘後再使用設施。
Please do not use the facility with empty stomach or right after meal. Please rest for 15 minutes after exercise to use the facility
7. 蒸氣室及烤箱請勿連續使用超過五分鐘,以免發生危險。
Please limit single use time of Steam Room and Sauna for no longer than 5 minutes in case of dangerous consequences.
8. 使用蒸氣室及烤箱前請徹底淋浴及卸妝,請勿塗抹防曬油、保養品及化妝品,以免影響皮膚散熱功能。
Please shower and remove any makeup before using the steam room and sauna. Please ensure your skin is rid of sunblock and any cosmetics to reduce heat dissipation efficacy.
9. 使用時請勿配戴隱形眼鏡、金屬、寶石等飾物。
Please do not wear contact lenses and accessories with materials such as metal and jewel.

10. 蒸氣室及烤箱內嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及攜帶任何食品、飲料、電子用品或手機入場。
Smoking, drinking alcohol, and chewing beetle nuts, gum or bringing any food, beverages, and electronics including cellphones are prohibited.
11. 蒸氣室及烤箱內請勿嬉鬧、躺臥、閱讀書報,以免發生意外。
Please do not frolic, lie down, read newspapers to avoid accidents.
12. 禁止自行調整控制系統,如需要服務請隨時告知工作人員。
Please do not adjust the control system at your own will; please ask for assistance from the staff.
13. 身體不適時請拉急救鈴並立即告知現場工作人員。
Please use the emergency help button and notify the staff on site should you feel ill.
14. 本中心有權依現場實際情況增列或修改本使用須知。
The Center has the right to alter the rules according to actual site situation
SPA Pool Rules
1. 使用者應瞭解自身健康狀況,若有以下情形請勿進入SPA池。
(1) 患有傳染性疾病、癲癇症、意識不清、皮膚病(潰爛、傷口)、多發性硬化症、發燒37℃以上。
(2) 飯後一小時內、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足、藥效未退或其他身體不適情況。
(3) 高血壓、心臟病、糖尿病等風險性疾病。
Users should be aware of own health conditions and are prohibited to use the SPA Pool if have any of the following conditions: 
(1) Contagious diseases, epilepsy, unconsciousness, skin diseases (skin ulcer, open wounds), multiple sclerosis, fever over 37℃ and any other ill conditions.
(2) Taken meal within 1 hour before, drunken state, sleep deprivation, impact of medication or any  other unfit health conditions. 
(3) Unstable blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes and other non-contagious diseases.
2. 持有身心障礙手冊者,建議由一名必要之成年陪同人,全程伴隨進入蒸氣室及烤箱。陪伴者應具備實際照護或看顧身心障礙族群之能力。
People with disability manuals need to be accompanied by adults for the entire time inside the Steam Room and Sauna, and the accompanying adult is legally responsible for all their actions.
3. 六十五歲以上長者,建議需有家屬或同伴陪同,且使用時間切勿過長。
Elderly above 65 years old are recommended to be accompanied by family or company and to avoid using the pool for extended period of time. 
4. 十二歲以下兒童禁止使用SPA池。
Children under 12 years old are not allowed to use the SPA pool.
5. 空腹及飽食後請勿使用,運動後請休息十五分鐘後再使用設施。
Please do not use the facility with empty stomach or right after meal. Please rest for 15 minutes after exercise to use the facility.
6. 使用SPA池時間請勿過長,以免危害健康。
Please limit single use time of SPA pool in case of dangerous consequences.
7. 進入SPA池前請徹底淋浴及卸妝,請勿塗抹防曬油、保養品及化妝品。
Please shower and remove any makeup before using the SPA Pool. Please ensure your skin is rid of sunblock and any cosmetics.
8. 禁止配戴玻璃泳鏡(眼鏡)或攜帶玻璃容器、陶瓷器具及其他易碎物品入池。
Do not wear glass goggles(eye glasses) or bring any glass containers, porcelain items and other dangerous fragile items into the pool.
9. 禁止在SPA池內嬉鬧、潛泳、游泳、悶氣、使用任何浮具,或有妨害他人安全之行為。
Please do not frolic, dive, swim, hold breath underwater, or use any floatation devices and threaten safety of others in any way.
10. 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及攜帶任何食品、飲料入場(開水、礦泉水除外)。
Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
11. 如有任何不適,請立即通知工作人員。
Please notify the staff on site should you feel ill at anytime.
12. 本中心有權依現場實際情況增列或修改本使用須知。
The Center has the right to alter the rules according to actual site situation.
Hot / Cold Tub Rules
1. 使用者應瞭解自身健康狀況,若有以下情形請勿進入冷熱水池。
(1) 患有傳染性疾病、癲癇症、意識不清、皮膚病(潰爛、傷口)、多發性硬化症、發燒37℃以上。
(2) 飯後一小時內、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足、藥效未退或其他身體不適情況。
(3) 高血壓、心臟病、糖尿病等風險性疾病。
Users should be aware of own health conditions and are prohibited to use the Hot / Cold Tubs if have any of the following conditions: 
(1) Contagious diseases, epilepsy, unconsciousness, skin diseases (skin ulcer, open wounds),  multiple sclerosis, fever over 37℃ and any other ill conditions.
(2) Taken meal within 1 hour before, drunken state, sleep deprivation, impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions. 
(3) Unstable blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes and other non-contagious diseases.
2. 持有身心障礙手冊者,建議由一名必要之成年陪同人,全程伴隨進入蒸氣室及烤箱。陪伴者應具備實際照護或看顧身心障礙族群之能力。
People with disability manuals need to be accompanied by adults for the entire time inside the Steam Room and Sauna, and the accompanying adult is legally responsible for all their actions.
3. 六十五歲以上長者,建議需有家屬或同伴陪同,且使用時間切勿過長。
Elderly above 65 years old are recommended to be accompanied by family or company and to avoid using the pool for extended period of time. 
4. 十二歲以下兒童禁止使用SPA池。
Children under 12 years old are not allowed to use the SPA pool.
5. 空腹及飽食後請勿使用,運動後請休息十五分鐘後再使用設施。
Please do not use the facility with empty stomach or right after meal. Please rest for 15 minutes after exercise to use the facility.
6. 使用時間每次不宜超過十五分鐘,總長不宜超過一小時。
It is inadvisable to be immersed in the hot spring for more than 15 minutes at a time or for more than one hour during each visit.
7. 進入冷熱水池前請徹底淋浴及卸妝,請勿塗抹防曬油、保養品及化妝品。
Please shower and remove any makeup before using the Hot / Cold Tubs. Please ensure your skin is rid of sunblock and any cosmetics.
8. 禁止配戴玻璃泳鏡(眼鏡)或攜帶玻璃容器、陶瓷器具及其他易碎物品入池。
Do not wear glass goggles(eye glasses) or bring any glass containers, porcelain items and other dangerous fragile items into the pool.
9. 禁止在冷熱水池內嬉鬧、潛泳、游泳、悶氣、使用任何浮具,或有妨害他人安全之行為。
Please do not frolic, dive, swim, hold breath underwater, or use any floatation devices and threaten safety of others in any way.
10. 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及攜帶任何食品、飲料入場(開水、礦泉水除外)。
Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
11. 如有任何不適,請立即通知工作人員。
Please notify the staff on site should you feel ill at anytime.
12. 本中心有權依現場實際情況增列或修改本使用須知。
The Center has the right to alter the rules according to actual site situation.