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開放時間 : 6:00-22:00






Breastfeeding Room Rules
1. 配合行政院衛生署母乳哺育政策,及兩性工作平等法之精神,特設置本哺(集)乳室(以下簡稱本室)並訂定本要點。
According to the breastfeeding regulations of the Ministry of Health and gender equality, the breastfeeding room is installed with the following rules.
2. 服務對象:有哺(集)乳及寶寶更換尿布需求者,及非哺(集)乳婦女於非緊急情形需進入本室者(須經本中心管理單位同意後始得進入)。
The purpose of the room is for breastfeeding and diaper changing. Special request for entry can be granted by the center management to those non-breastfeeding women in need under non-emergency circumstances.
3. 本室請於使用前至本中心服務櫃檯填寫「哺(集)乳室使用者登記簿」。
Please fill out the breastfeeding room use log at the service counter before use.
4. 哺(集)乳之物品請善加愛護,請勿攜出及擅自移動,如有故意損壞情形應照價賠償;個人攜帶至本室使用之自備品,如吸奶器、奶瓶、冰桶、嬰兒用品或其他設備,請標示姓名與聯絡電話並負責保管。
Please use all the items in the breastfeeding room with care and do not take away or relocate at your own will as you are responsible to compensate for any damages. Personal items will need to be clearly indicated with your full name and contact number and under your custody. 
5. 冰箱除存放母乳、代用空瓶、集奶容器、集奶設備或管理單位許可物品外,不得放入其他物品,並應標示姓名及集乳時間與聯絡電話。存放於冰箱之母乳勿隔夜存放,若發現存放過期之母乳或不合規定之物品,管理人員有權逕行處理,原放置人不得異議。
Please do not place items that are not allowed by the management in the refrigerator.  Please clearly indicate your full name, breast milk collection time, and your contact number on the items. Please do not store breast milk in the refrigerator overnight; management staff has the right to discard expired breast milk and items that are not allowed.
6. 使用本室如有任何疑問或需協助者,請洽本中心服務人員。
Should you have any questions or require assistance, please contact our staff.
7. 本中心有權依現場實際情況增列或修改本使用須知。
The Center has the right to alter the rules according to actual site situation.